Monday, December 7, 2015

Expenses of Sports Participation

Sports programs are not cheap. Many sports ask for too high of a price and parents just can not afford to have there kids participate. Parents sometimes just do not have the budget. An article by Kids Play USA Foundation titled "Overview and Cost of Youth Sports" explains how high of a price participating in sports can be and other expenses involved in sports like apparel and travel. The article also gives a video highlighting how paying to play can hurt sport participation.

The video talks about a high school whose level of athletic members is on the decline due to their expenses for playing. Some kids at the high school decided to go try to play on other teams where they didn't have to pay such expenses. Choosing to charge parents to have their kids participate in physical activity is outrageous to me. I mean a simple charge would be sufficient but programs charge more money than families have at their disposal. Some families do not have the financial stability to pay for sports no matter how bad their kids want to play or how bad they want them to play. If the budget isn't there it isn't there. Not to mention the other expenses involved in sports like gas for travel, uniforms and equipment, and even doctor bills if their kids happen to get hurt. If sports programs are looking for more members or kids to play than they are not helping the cause with the high price tags for participating.
Works Cited

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